Pardon my brevity, readers. The notes on these next few films will be short. I just damn saw too many movies in too many days. It's impossible to catch up once you're behind.

The Prestige

I think this movie is too clever for its own good. I just feel tricked by it, which may be the point; after all, it is formulated to match the twists of a magic act. But there were so many turns in the narrative that it became difficult for me to follow. On our way home from the theater Mr. H and I talked about it and agreed that it gave us the same feeling that The Matrix did: disorientation. It get the feeling that if we strip away the jargon from the film it'd be a pretty bare structure. Alas, Friday, October 20, 2006 was too many weeks ago. My memory and enthusiam has waned too much to ponder it any longer. Though, I will say this: I enjoyed watching while I was there in the moment.
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