It took me off guard one tired evening after work. As I paged through the OnDemand free movie list I saw the name. I remembered it from when I was a kid. Of course, at eight-years-old I was a far cry from witnessing an R-rated movie, but it filled me with intrigue! Last year I saw another movie from my childhood that was strictly forbidden, Michael J. Fox in Bright Lights, Big City, and though it didn't turn out to be particularly great, it was a thrill to finally see this thing that at one point I never could. So that's the setup for Casual Sex?, the title of which was alone enough for mom and dad to impose a viewing ban.
And for good reason: the story follows two sexually frustrated women in the midst of an AIDS-scared, women's-lib dating world. Again and again they talk about safe sex, using a condom--which they had never done before (!), and even follows Stacy (Lea Thompson) into an AIDS clinic for test results. Stacy is a serial mother figure for her boyfriends, always enabling their life goals over her own, and using sex as a means for intimacy. While Melissa (Victoria Jackson) is practically frightened to death of men, finally settling for (then breaking up with) a finance who bloats himself on the couch while watching sports all afternoon. Neither are in fulfilling relationships, so to cure their sexual/emotional impasse with men they jaunt to a health resort for an extended holiday, a singles holiday.
Gorgeous 80s athletic wear (think fluorescent high-cut bikinis), teased hair, and a lot of hunky muscle-bound men parade about the resort grounds. The ladies, forced to drink bitter mineral water, exercise rigorously, and carry on mind dulling conversations with a greasy street jock named Vinny (Andrew Dice Clay), make for a smirky peek at the female psyche. Based on a stage play of the same title, this self-aware story opens asking for direct audience engagement with their first-person camera address. Mostly the women ask you to take them with a grain of salt, but to take them nonetheless as they mockingly meander through their personal anxieties and sexual absurdities.
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