So this has been a fun administration. Honestly, it has been quite a grind these past couple of years seeing all these insane events all over the country—Koran burnings, bombing Islamic centers, passing of racist laws, ridiculous hatred of the government, and even freakin’ pirates. Obama picked the wrong time to run for president, as American clearly wasn’t ready for change. To add to that his campaign was so inspiring, that America as a whole expected all this change immediately, and are quite upset that all this change that was necessary has not occurred yet. Patience has become thin and now, Obama nowadays has approval numbers to the levels of President Bush, as unemployment continues to remain high and the economy flat-out refuses to drastically improve. The true problem with Obama though isn’t his lack of accomplishments, but his sheer timing of it all.
For example, during the Bush years (known by some as the Lost Years), we had a totally clear view of what Bush set out to do and in what order: go to Afghanistan, go to Iraq, No Child Left Behind, Mission: Accomplished, Katrina (even though he was late..tee-hee), and…and…..wait….there’s not much else. In the case of Obama, here is all he accomplished:
1) Economy rebounding slowly but surely—after all, we did fork over 700 million plus to see an overrated movie about advanced smurfs.
2) He won the Nobel peace prize for striving to end the warfare amongst countries in the Middle East
3) Cut funding on the ridiculously overpriced and overrated NASA program. Because honestly, if we don’t give a fish about space, why spend so much towards it?
4) After an unnecessarily lengthy battle, passed the health care bill.
5) Closed Guantanamo Bay. Thank God.
6) Supported and approved a high-speed rail system in Florida—because trust me, nothing will boost the Floridian economy like finding easier and quicker ways to get to Disney from Tampa and Miami
7) Jump-started America’s efforts to become more involved with world-affiliated and well-known sports events like the Olympics and the extremely successful World Cup
8) Is slowly but surely ending the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan that was started by the previous administration
9) Approved a bill that would attempt to increase American tourism, which has gone down recently, by building millions of more tourism-related jobs
In all honesty, with the exception of #7 (Which despite it not being mentioned much, definitely improved our relations with other nations by truly caring about the 2010 World Cup—which I shall repeat was such a massive success story that Disney stock exploded with ESPN coverage of the event) all of these accomplishments are quite big, with some of them altering the status of America for a while. But, all of these accomplishments were totally out of order, totally jumbled around. If Obama and his minions had been more organized in what they were doing and when, America wouldn’t be so upset at him. Obama cut the bleeding, but did so in a very clustered amount of ways that most of us still don’t truly understand.
Obama should have focused on the economy first, and truly not rest until Americans were satisfied with that. Health Care in my opinion should have come last, after American morale improved. Obama should have gone in this order: economy, unemployment, end wars, celebrate end of wars (improving morale and providing soldiers with the thanks they deserve), and then health care. But, with people still reeling about the health care bill that was passed after near warfare in D.C., they are not giving Obama any slack for anything he does.
Bottom Line: This article is basically describing why Obama’s numbers are small, even though he has indeed accomplished a lot in the first couple of years as president. All his doings have been out of order, and has confused an entire nation as they struggle to figure out just what that man is achieving. Democrats, Obama, I beg of you, become more organized. I like this new change that has come about since Bush left, but if you continue confusing Americans, I’m not sure if you’ll be able to win the presidency next election. There are already fears that November is going to kill Democrats, and if that happens, you can bet your butt that they will try to unravel some of the things you did (especially, especially, especially, especially, health care). Obama, I still support you, but you must start being more focused in your activities and accomplishments.
Democrats, get it together.
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