Walt Disney World is known for its music and its variety. But there is some music that seems to be missing from the parks, and it makes no sense why. Once again, another list. This time it’s the 9 most inexplicable omissions from the background music in the Walt Disney World parks.
#9: Kiss the Girl in Voyage of the Little Mermaid
This attraction is short enough already, honestly. But arguably its best song being totally edited out? That makes no sense. They can really pull off some nice water/special effects for this now-famous scene, and can add some life into this show---which is essentially lifeless when compared to Beauty and the Beast and Fantasmic.
#8: ANY other song in Peter Pan’s Flight
The queue music in Peter Pan’s Flight is barely a minute long. To repeat this constantly in a queue that is known to push one-two hour waits on a daily basis is borderline-torture. Peter Pan despite its flaws has a nice soundtrack, and should be fully utilized.
#7: It’s Not Easy Being Green in the Muppets area
Arguably Kermit the Frog’s most popular song, and I can’t hear it in the Muppets area? What? Huh? How? Why?
#6: Mary Poppins Music in Great Movie Ride Queue
In the Great Movie Ride area, you can hear a lot of themes of classic movies of the past-past like Wizard of Oz, Meet Me in St. Louis, and then randomly Pirates of the Caribbean. But…where is Disney’s most acclaimed and classic-looking movie? Where is the Mary Poppins music in the background? Fascinating how Disney’s only film to garnish 5 Oscars gets no love from all the parks with the exception of a few character sightings.
#5: Frank Sinatra music in the Streets of America
The Streets of America lacks a lot of personality as aside from the occasional Mulch, Sweat, and Shears, there is little reason to stick around besides catching the Lights Motors Action show. With most of the streets resembling New York, why not play music from the man that best represents the old-school feeling of the Big Apple? It only makes so much sense.
#4: Jungle Book Music in Adventureland
Jungle Book is one of the biggest hits in the history of Disney, and it has a very recognizable score and assortment of music. However, its music is nowhere to be found within the jungles of Adventureland. Its already enough that it doesn't have an attraction or anything of those sorts in Magic Kingdom (or Animal) but to totally neglect its soundtrack? That's cold.
#3: Anything not Toy Story in Pixar Place
I understand that Toy Story represents Pixar, but a place called Pixar Place should feature music from their other movies. Where is music from Finding Nemo? Ratatouille? The Incredbles? And worst of all, Up? Up has by far the best musical score from the Pixar movies and is the best I've heard in many many years. However we hear nothing except excerts from the three Toy Story flicks. That's just unnecessary shunning of wonderful music in Disney's repertoire.
#2: Several Modern Day Television Theme Songs in ABC Commissary area
Now, in this area we get these songs to popular television shows in the history of ABC. They range from Batman to Three's Company to Home Improvement. But...no Modern Family, no Dancing With the Stars, no Cougar Town, no Desperate Housewives, and most baffling no Lost or Grey's Anatomy--two shows that virtually saved the network during the harshest ratings times. Why?
P.S. I was wrong. Grey's Anatomy can be heard. But still..no Lost. Hmmph.
#1: Ennio Morricone Music in Great Movie Ride
This is a sin more than an omission. No Good, Bad, and Ugly theme in Great Movie Ride area? No Once Upon a Time in the West? Are you kidding me? I understand that some themes cannot be used because of "competitive" reasons, but Morricone is one of the greatest composers of all-time and not one of his songs is represented in the classically-themed Hollywood Studios. That is a darn shame. And should be fixed. Immediately.
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